My life, my purpose, my future. - Nijiagist


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Tuesday, 30 January 2018

My life, my purpose, my future.

there comes a time in our live when many question flood our heart as youths about our life, our purpose and our future. 
question live. "what is my purpose "?  what do I live for" or can i ever become it?  more of this question occupies our heart.
But you know what? the answer to these question is right inside of you!
      Our purpose is all we can be but have not become
      Our purpose is all we can do but have not done
       Our purpose is where we can reach but have not reach
        Our purpose is all we can avoid but have not avoided.
The good old day  were never two good better day are yet coming.
The best things of live have  not been achieved, the best star's & best brain are yet to emerge your purpose is one, your purpose is you.
Can you believe it will happen? can you endure the hard time's standing alone?  Can you believe in yourself when no one does. yes you can become it because it is your purpose, it is your life.
Ahead of us there is a future we can never believe we wound see, a height we never thought we wound reach, a future we  never knew we wound achieve.
Purpose is a scret thing when fulfilled, it is a place of rest,  dare to achieve yours, it is a spirit, it comes from the inside, it comes as a resuit of burning desire to become who god created you to be, only the Eagles attain that height..... it is Divine, We are a blessed generation, a royal priesthood, a paculiar nations, we are the Legend of our time, We are the stars of the season, we are salt of the world, the future of  our nation, don't stop half way, you are close to the mark, obviously we have alot of challenges facing us, alot of distractions on our way.
Atime we begine to doubt Our believe, we try to settle at the substantard, No settling at less is not divine, the darkest time if the night is an hour to day break. Most times our defeat translate into triumph, keep the picture in your heart, put your eyes on your track and have a determined heart.
Nothing stops a man when he and his god is out to accomplish a task, a purpose fulfilled is destiny fulfilled.
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